I've been thinking of the many ways I have been lucky in life.  Born in America, moderate Indiana climate with plenty of water, power/energy, food.  I  have never gone one day in 72 years without a meal.  Not one day.

I was born white, a male.  Never had to go to war, though I narrowly missed Viet Nam.

I've realized only in the past year or so that I was one of the "cool kids" in school; never picked on (that's the cool-kids test).  I've had more than one person tell me that I "have dignity" - it never occurs to me.

I am an "only child"; never had to share food, attention, money, clothes.  My neighborhood friends were my "siblings."

Mother insisted I go to college, which I now appreciate more than ever.  I got lucky in marriage, too; my wife is smart - and a talker, but that's okay, because I'm a listener.  (She frequently serves as my "social credential.")

Mother told me to go into business for myself, another piece of good advice that has served me well for more than 50 years now.  When I'm gone, and life goes on for others, I was one of the lucky ones.


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